GB7449 Test guide for lightning impulse and switching impulse of power transformers and reactors;
GB1094.3 Power transformers Part 3 Insulation level and insulation test;
GB/T 311.1 Insulation and coordination of high-voltage transmission and transformation equipment;
GB/T 16927.1 High voltage test technology Part 1 General test requirements;
GB/T 16927.2 High voltage test technology Part 2 Measurement system;
GB/T 16896.1 Digital recorder for high voltage impulse test;
ZBF 24001 Implementation details of impulse voltage test;
GB/T11920 General technical conditions for centralized control devices of power station electrical parts;
GB/T191 Packaging, storage and transportation graphic signs;
DL/T 846.1 General technical conditions for high voltage test equipment Part 1: High voltage divider measurement system
DL/T 848.2 General technical conditions for high voltage test equipment Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test equipment;
DL/T 848.3 General technical conditions for high voltage test equipment Part 3: Transformer for testing without partial discharge;
DL/T 848.5 General technical requirements for test equipment Part 5: Impulse voltage generator.